Adrien Lemaire, ex-acting in English Student now in London

Adrien Lemaire, ex-Acting in English Student in Paris now in London

I came to Paris to train at Cours Florent right after finishing high school. I passed the International Baccalaureate in Kiev, Ukraine, which is where I learned English. Theatre-wise, my only experiences were the plays we put on at school (all in English), but they were more than enough to make me want to go down the path to becoming an actor.

  • How did your training at Cours Florent prepare you for your current life in London?

First of all, for someone who wasn’t accustomed to the theatre world, it taught me the sheer amount of wonderful plays and authors, from any time period, that could give birth to the desire to act or direct. Reading and having the opportunity to perform scenes and plays allowed me to have something to offer my directors and colleagues and helps me make stronger choices regarding the work I want to pursue as well as the people I want to work with. It made me an actor confident in the things I can bring to the rehearsal process and committed to challenging them. 

Having all of this is always important, but it becomes crucial when moving to a different place is involved. The things you know and the things you do are all you have to begin your new life with, the people you will surround yourself with depend on that.

  • Why did you decide to build your career both in Paris and in London?

I am a French-Colombian actor who became fluent in English in Ukraine through the IB. Traveling was always part of my life, and so were languages. Thus, I wanted to make sure I could benefit from my background in my career. Not only that, but the Acting in English Department showed me what the Anglo-Saxon actor training looked like, and I was immediately drawn in. 

  • What do you remember about your first workshop experience at Cours Florent?

I remember the nerves before setting foot in the room, but also how happy I was at the end of the first day. I remember feeling like I knew nothing about theatre compared to a few classmates. I remember very clearly the first things my various teachers have said about me, I still go back to them to see how much things have changed.

  • What advice would you give a future workshop participant/student at Cours Florent? 

Be open, be generous, be daring. The thing with Cours Florent is that they offer amazing experiences, but you're the only one who can make the most of it. What matters is where you place yourself, you will have a much better and richer time if you dare to go for what you want, more often than not, teachers want to be convinced, and welcome pleasant surprises. Also, be interested in people, and read a lot. These are not mandatory to get your diploma, but that's not what it's about. Cours Florent can make you ready for the professional world, but only if you play your part.

  • Do you have any ongoing projects or upcoming ones?

I am currently writing a multilingual monodrama which I will perform, again, making use of my background. The idea is that this show can be performed in any country, and it deals with cultural resonances and dissonances via languages, wrapped in a re-imagining of the story of the tower of Babel. It will be performed once in April in London, but I am hoping to take it as far as possible.

Read this interview in French

Read Isabelle Duperray's interview, Headmistress of Acting in English Department


Acting in English

Fall Session in Paris
October 28th to November 3rd
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